Monday, October 9, 2023

USA 2024: RFK Jr. launches Presidential Bid under Independent Party in major challenge to Biden and Trump

 USA 2024: RFK Jr. launches Presidential Bid under Independent Party in major challenge to Biden and Trump    




Robert F. Kennedy, son of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy and nephew to former US President John F. Kennedy, announced Monday, October 9 he will run for president as a third-party candidate next year, going against generations of tradition in the Kennedy political dynasty’s allegiance to the Democratic party and posing a challenge to the Trump and Biden 2024 presidential campaigns.


Kennedy Jr. told supporters in Philadelphia on Monday he was dropping his bid for the Democratic nomination and will instead run as an independent.

Kennedy Jr.—an environmental lawyer known for spreading anti-covid vaccine claims, said he did “not make the decision lightly” and that “it’s very painful for [him] to let go” of the Democratic Party, listing off his family’s long history in Democratic politics.


Since announcing his campaign in April, Kennedy Jr. has criticized both the Republican and Democratic parties, claiming their leaders are corrupt and accusing the Democratic National Committee of “rigging” the primary election by declining to host debates and making changes to the election calendar.

Kennedy's polling figures are historically high for a third-party candidate, and he could remove votes from both party’s nominees.


“I’m here to join you in making a new Declaration of Independence for our nation,” he said Monday, listing off a host of outside powers he wants politics to detach from, including “big ag, big tech, military contractors and their lobbyists . . . the mercenary media” and “the two political parties.”

14% of voters say they would back Kennedy Jr. in a hypothetical general election matchup with former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden, according to a recent Reuters/Ipsos poll.

The same pill found that Biden had support of 31% of voters and Trump received 35%. While some surveys show Kennedy Jr.’s net favorability rating is higher among Republicans than Democrats, the Reuters/Ipsos poll found his third-party bid could hurt Biden more, as without him on the ballot, both Trump and Biden received 35% of support.

Kennedy has suggested prescription drugs are linked to mass shootings, referred to Covid-19 as a “bioweapons problem” and has promoted the unfounded claim that the CIA was involved in the assassination of his uncle.


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